Window Display Competition 2023
The Window Display Competition is a big part of the Wexford Festival Opera!
All the local businesses are invited to take part and decorate their windows with the chosen theme, bringing the music and arts to the streets and enchanting every one who sees them.
This year, the Window Display Competition took the opportunity to celebrate Wexford's successful bid for the 2024 Fleadh Cheoil, and there is no need to say that the judges had a tough decision choosing the winner as they were all amazing!
We are delighted to announce the winners of our 2023 Window Display Competition!
Overall Winner:
Candy Boutique
Categories Winners:
Best Use of Colour & Lighting:
Pamela Scott
Best Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials:
Irish Wheelchair Association
Best Use of Space:
Padraig Grant Gallery
Best Creative:
McCabe’s Pharmacy
Best Incorporation of Theme:
Ryan`s Optician