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The Magic Fountain by Frederick Delius tells the story of a Spanish explorer, Solano, and his crew, who are becalmed at sea off the coast of Florida. While the crew longs for home, Solano is consumed by a legend he has heard about the Fountain of Eternal Youth.
A storm arises, wrecking the ship, and Solano is the sole survivor. Washed ashore, he is found by Watawa, who carries him to her village. Solano shares his dream with the village seer, who reveals that the fountain does exist and that Watawa will guide him to it. Despite knowing that drinking from the fountain will bring death, Watawa agrees to lead him.
Aware of the fountain's true nature, Watawa tries to dissuade Solano from his quest. However, in the end, she sacrifices herself, and Solano tragically follows her to his doom.
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Friends Priority Booking
Wed 23 April 2025
Bravura | Cabaletta | Aria | Ensemble+
Wed 30 April 2025
Ensemble | Prelude
Wed 7 May 2025
General Booking
Cast announcement coming soon
Creative Team
Stage Director | Christopher Luscombe |
Conductor | Francesco Cilluffo |
Set & Costume Designer | Simon Higlett |
Dates and times
Sunday 19 Oct7:30pm | 7:30pm | O'Reilly Theatre, National Opera House |
Thursday 23 Oct7:30pm | 7:30pm | O'Reilly Theatre, National Opera House |
Saturday 25 Oct7:30pm | 7:30pm | O'Reilly Theatre, National Opera House |
Friday 31 Oct7:30pm | 7:30pm | O'Reilly Theatre, National Opera House |